Some ideas on what to do with your lovely jars once empty ..

Once you've cleaned the empty candle jar with warm water they're so lovely it's a shame to throw them away .
So don't ..
First buy another Gorgeous Gower candle ..
Then choose a way to recycle the old jar - they are so useful 🙌🏻
Ideas for you
Bathroom jars for cotton balls , q-tips , make up brushes , lip balms , bath salts , dried lavender, dried rose petals .. etc etc
Pop a tea light in one for a lovely warm glow , have several lit for a wonderful ambience , run hot bath and relax !
Decant smaller amounts from large ugly jars of dried goods to these for a retro vintage look - coffee , hot chocolate , sugar , herbal tea ..
Herb Jar - Make up a mix of your favourite herbs that you regularly use when cooking so that they're conveniently ready to use next time you need them
Use for planting seeds and seedlings 🌱 or a tiny cactus
Keep treats for your pet in them
Save coins in them, only emptying when full and you've saved enough for another Gorgeous Gower candle ♥️
Keep bits and bobs in them .. buttons , batteries , paper clips , elastic bands , hair bobbles etc
Fill with tiny pebbles or shells from the beach
Use to store small items such as craft items , stencils , stickers etc
Send in any more ideas you have or tag us on Instagram @gorgeousgower ♥️